If you’d like to learn proper and safety rock climbing technique, enroll in a climbing class. At Vertical Spirit, experienced instructors will introduce you to the sport and help you make progress so that you can reach your goals. You can progress much more quickly this way than you went at it alone!

You start climbing from the very first lesson! None of the lessons contain theory alone. Each features demonstrations and practical applications, which means plenty of climbing! For proper apprehension of climbing technique and safety precautions, we recommend taking classes for at least 3 months.


  • Age: 14 or above
  • Level: beginner and intermediate
  • Length of a class: 2 hours
  • Contents of class: warming up, using the various types of holds, using your arms and feet, finding the right body position, the main climbing techniques, belaying on toprope and on lead, psychological aspects of climbing, what climbing-specific equipment there is, what safety precautions you must take in the gym, what risks rock climbing entails and how you can avoid them.
  • Equipment needed: sports clothing, separate gym shoes ARE A MUST, climbing chalk – can be bought inside the gym, climbing shoes – can be rented inside the gym or, at first, you can use regular sports shoes as long as they are as tight as possible.
  • When are the classes held? Year-round (including holidays), with the exception of Orthodox Easter, Christmas and New Year’s. You can start a class at any time – there are no preset start dates.
  • Enrolling: only after making an appointment, by phone or e-mail, preferably 2-3 days before the desired date, so we can make sure we are available.
  • Safety: entrance to the gym is only permitted after filling out a waiver through which you find out about the safety precautions you need to respect, the risks posed by sport climbing and you take responsibility for all your actions inside the gym. To download the waiver and read about safety rules in a climbing gym, access the page Safety.

*You can find us from Monday to Friday 09.00 – 22.00 and Saturday 09.00 – 17.00. We are not responding? Leave us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible!


1 session 140 LEI
1 session current members (subscribed) 80 LEI
4 sessions/month 400 LEI
4 sessions/month – FAMILY DISCOUNT*** 365 LEI
4 sessions/month + unlimited subscription (does not include security equipment) 480 LEI
8 sessions/month 600 LEI
8 sessions/month – FAMILY DISCOUNT*** 560 LEI
1 session 180 LEI
4 sessions/month 510 LEI
8 sessions/month  720 LEI
Climbing shoes 15 RON / day       75 RON / month
Harness 15 RON / day       75 RON / month
Belay device + locking carabiner 5 RON / day
Head climbing rope 15 lei / session
Chalk bag (with chalk) 5 lei / session
Locker for personal ítems 5 Ron / day         35 lei / month
  • * Limited Size Groups – maximum 4 students per instructor, anytime during the gym’s hours.
  • **Personal – one participant per instructor or a small group of 2-3 people, at the client’s request.
  • ***FAMILY DISCOUNT – is granted for at least 2 members of the same family – husband/wife, parent/child, minor children.
  • Courses with 4 and 8 monthly sessions include safety equipment (harness, rope, belay device, carabiners).
  • The 4 session course does not include unlimited gym membership.
  • The 8 session course includes unlimited gym membership.
  • The course with 4 sessions + unlimited monthly subscription – is aimed at those who already have a basic level of climbing and master the safety maneuvers. Does not include safety equipment or espadrilles. It is rented separately.

FAMILY DISCOUNT – for limited size classes for minimum 2 members
of the same family – two minor brothers, husband and wife, parent and child.


Terms and conditions

  • Discounts for married couples are granted on the basis of a marriage certificate.
  • Schedules for group classes or single person sessions are made depending on the clients’ options and the availability of our instructors
  • Costs include: entrance fee or gym pass, tuition fee, safety equipment (harness, ropes, belay devices).
  • Fees include: entrance or membership to the gym, training fee, safety equipment (harness, ropes, belay devices).
  • Skipped sessions may not be carried over to another month. You can recover at most 2 sessions for the 8 sessions course and at most 1 session for the 4 sessions course, as long as the instructor is available and only while your gym pass is still valid.
  • The 8 sessions course includes the unlimited monthly subscription at the the gym. 
  • The 4 sessions course doesn’t includes the unlimited monthly subscription at the gym.
  • For skipped sessions for which payment has already been made, the payment may not be redeemed.
  • Course subscriptions are nominal and non-transferable.