- Official route setter of the Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – Andalucia, Spain
- Constantly routesetter for the competitions in the national circuit of Andalucia since 2017.
- Chief Routesetter – RockandBlock, Granada, Spain
- Route setter for various climbing and bouldering gyms in Spain
- Bouldering & lead climbing champion – Andalucia, Spain
- 30 years of climbing experience
- Maximum grade: 8c climbing & 8a boulder

``It's evident to me: climbing is more than just my lifestyle or work; it's a passion I cannot live without!”
I started climbing in Romania, when I was about 10 years old. So I have 30 years of climbing behind me, competing since the beginning. I have been living in Spain for 22 years and little by little I managed to combine climbing with work and return to competitions.I like to travel and get to know as many different climbing crags as possible, to climb different types of rock.
As for climbing, my favorite style is long routes with pronounced overhangs and columns. It's a very physical style and common in the area where I live, although I equally enjoy technical climbing on vertical faces, where I do well I'd say.My current rock project is 8c+ and longer term 9a.
I have always liked competitions - before as an athlete, now as a designer. I like big challenges and that's why I accepted Andreea's invitation to be part of the Vertical Step Marathon team, as the head route setter.``
First 8c – “Sistema comercial”, Cogollos Vega, Granada.